Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Tools for Fostering Creativity, Collaboration, and Understanding

An Infographic by Ashley Woodworth, Erika Behringer, Cailin Blair Share This:

Adobe Spark for the Classroom

I wrote a post about Using Adobe Spark in the Classroom a while back. I am a big fan of Spark, particularly for student publishing and online icebreaker activities. I revisited a tutorial made by a former student that can be helpful for those who want to give Spark a try. Feel free to share: Adobe…

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Communication Tool Tutorials

I recently posted a list of Communication Tools and Resources. A post with student-created tutorials seemed like a logical next step so here are tutorials for classroom communication tools. I hope you find this useful. If you do, please share with others who may also benefit.  Also, feel free to share your own ideas in the…

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Communication Tools and Resources

I was going through some of my resources and tutorials to take stock of what I have. Here are some great resources for communication tools and some tutorials too. They are in no particular order. Enjoy! 2EPub: allows teachers and students to convert PDF, doc and other types of documents and books to ePub format,…

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News and Map Resources for the Social Studies Classroom

Maps and news sources are an essential part of many social studies courses. What if it is a history or global culture course? Are there better options? Sometimes you don’t want a current or local newspaper or map.  To start, I want to acknowledge the National Archives, a great source for primary source and historical…

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