Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Be the Authority! 5 Tips for Improving Engagement and Learning

Ownership of learning is an important part of engagement. Students who take ownership and pride in their learning will be more engaged in the process and walk away from their work having learned more. I try to impress upon my high school psychology students that anyone who visits our class (administrators) should be able to…

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Highlighting Tool: A Great Google Add-On Resource

Add-ons are a great resource to use in Google Drive. They open a host of options when using Google Apps. There are add-ons available for several of the different available apps. These include self grading add-ons for Google Forms like Flubaroo and Easy Bib for easing the task of citing your sources when writing a research…

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Resources and Lessons Learned at the Teaching Professor Technology Conference

I had the pleasure of attending the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans a couple weeks ago.  My presentation was Blended-Learning Strategies to Extend the Learning Day. It was a great experience on many levels. Sacred Heart made a great contribution to help defray the cost of the trip which made me feel valued by…

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5 Great Uses for Google Forms in the Classroom

I often use Microsoft Office as a point of reference when introducing people to Google Drive and its related apps. I point out that each component of Office has a comparable program in Google Apps. Then I discuss the positives and negatives of each Google App as compared to the equivalent Office program.  One common Google…

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5 YouTube Video Channel Resources for Teachers

It used to be that videos in the classroom were seen as a potentially negative thing. Something teachers do to kill time when they do not have something planned.  However, the rise of activities like flipped lessons and the large amount of relevant videos on sites like YouTube allow for many educational opportunities.  There are…

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