Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

5 Really Cool Google Apps Related Resources for the Classroom

There are many things you can do with Google Apps. Here are five things I often find myself showing to people when showing them how to use various aspects of Google Apps during professional development. I would usually include some of the others I have written about in previous posts also, but I will leave…

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5 More Great Uses for Google Forms

I wrote a post a while back about 5 Great Ways to use Google Forms in the Classroom. I got a lot of positive feedback about the post so here are 5 more ideas! To review from my other Google Form post, questions available in Forms include: text, paragraph text, multiple choice, list, (likert) scale,…

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BYOD and Assessment: A Brief Video

Here is a brief video about how to use technology for assessment in districts with a BYOD policy in place. Share This:

Be the Authority! 5 Tips for Improving Engagement and Learning

Ownership of learning is an important part of engagement. Students who take ownership and pride in their learning will be more engaged in the process and walk away from their work having learned more. I try to impress upon my high school psychology students that anyone who visits our class (administrators) should be able to…

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Resources and Lessons Learned at the Teaching Professor Technology Conference

I had the pleasure of attending the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans a couple weeks ago.  My presentation was Blended-Learning Strategies to Extend the Learning Day. It was a great experience on many levels. Sacred Heart made a great contribution to help defray the cost of the trip which made me feel valued by…

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