5 Education Books with Fresh Perspectives and Great Ideas
Professional growth is essential and can come in many forms. With options like Twitter and Google+, books are sometimes overlooked. Books can be great sources of information when seeking more in depth information on particular topics. These are some of the more informational books I have read about education and educational technology. I chose books with different focuses and objectives to avoid suggesting five books that are essentially the same thing.

- Digital Learning
- Maker Spaces
- Blended and Virtual Learning
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Digital Badging
- Academies
- Connected Learning
One thing that I liked was that I found useful information in each chapter despite my skill level or knowledge of the topic. I have a pretty solid foundation in topics like digital learning, blended learning, and BYOD. I still found several very good suggestions and resources in those chapters though. I am relatively new to the topics of maker spaces and digital badging, but the relevant chapters laid out everything clearly for me so I was able to learn a lot about each topic. It is rare that an author is able to present information to different skill levels effectively in one body of work. This book was also able to provide plenty of links to resources for further research on each topic.
Creatively Teach Common Core Standards with Technology (Catlin Tucker) In her book, Creatively Teach Common Core Standards with Technology, Catlin Tucker goes a different route and focuses on providing concrete strategies for using technology to address Common Core in the classroom. Tucker focuses her chapters on Common Core anchor standards. She provides resorces and helpful strategies for teaching each anchor standard. I would have also suggested Tucker’s book, Blended Learning in Grades 4-12, if I wasn’t avoiding repeats on this list. Tucker always has great ideas on her website, catlintucker.com, also.